This is a facility specific to GP practices or healthcare organisations nationally who use the same clinical software (Systmone). Currently secondary care organisations such as Out of Hours Services, Community Services, Hospitals, Prisons, Palliative Care Services, District Nurses and Child Health Services use Systmone software.
There are however several GP Practices and other healthcare organisations nationally that do use Systmone.
The eDSM allows the Practice to share your patient record with any of the above type of organisations. This will ultimately help the Consultant or GP you will be seeing to more fully understand your medical conditions, etc. eDSM also allows information from any consultations you have with the above organisations to be electronically incorporated into your patient record here at the surgery.
This sharing out arrangement is enabled, unless you have opted out. We have a few verified organisations set up to automatically receive your data such as Bolton GP Federation, who offer the out of hours GP appointments in Bolton. If however an organisation unknown to us wishes to access your medical record, they will need to be verified. This is done through a request being forwarded to your email account/mobile phone text message/Systmone online message. A verification code will be received by yourselves for their use. Without this code and ultimately your permission, they are unable to access your medical record.
To help with this process, please could you provide us with your up-to-date mobile phone number or email address, or sign up for a Systmone Online account. If you would like to opt out of this data sharing model, please contact the Practice Manager.